A very successful 2016 year-end Free Outreach was held in Rarieda, Asembo in collaboration with Sagam Health Outreach team, where 250 patients were registered and attended to at the Free Camp.
-Primary medical Care
-high blood pressure and diabetes screening
-Alzheimer's screening
-Child Welfare services
-Eye, Ear and dental Testing
-Preventable diseases screening
-Family Planning
-Registration of participants to the Kenya National Health Insurance
There were several cases of Hypertension, Osteoporosis, Arthritis and other Geriatric ailments which were diagnosed and referred for further consultations and treatments.
The life of a young boy of 7 years was saved when the doctor in attendance referred him to Sagam Hospital for urgent surgery to remove a benign tumor in the intestine.
A case of leprosy was referred to the county hospital. This came as a surprise as we did not know Leprosy still existed. We will follow this case closely with the County Hospital.
Transportation arrangements were made for the referred patients to Sagam Community Hospital.
On behalf of KNIF, and our family, a heartfelt thank you to Sagam Health Outreach team for their professionalism, patience, and endurance. They worked throughout, without a break to ensure each and every person who came to the event was attended to.
During enrollment patients were also registered to M-TIBA by a team from *CarePay who came to support the outreach.
*CarePay, is a mobile platform that allows patients to save money for healthcare (i.e a health pocket). According to the M-TIBA website, “funds stored in M-TIBA can only be used to pay for services and medication at specific healthcare facilities which carry the M-TIBA logo. You can transfer funds from your M-PESA to your M-TIBA. Funds stored in M-TIBA are managed by UAP insurance.”
Thanks to Dr. Khama Rogo, Debora Rogo, Matron Elizabeth, Pastor Sudhe and St. Stephen’s Kisumu Diocese for your support, and to Lions Club, Arlington, VA for their donation of 1000 eyeglasses.
Dedicated to Uncle John Okello (RIP), for his wisdom and support during this Camp and always.
Existing/Continuing Challenges
We continue to face various challenges, for instance, although people were encouraged to enroll for National Hospital Insurance Fund with M-TIBA, many could not afford the 200/- shillings equivalent of $20 required for registration and monthly subscription!
Many people were referred to Sagam Hospital for follow-up but for lack of transport and money, they are not able to go. We need urgent funds and donations to assist our community in need and assisting them to get medicines or treatment for their ailments.
We call upon our readers to donate or partner with us to provide these needy senior citizens and youth with medical care.
A very successful 2016 year-end Free Outreach was held in Rarieda, Asembo in collaboration with Sagam Health Outreach team, where 250 patients were registered and attended to at the Free Camp.
-Primary medical Care
-high blood pressure and diabetes screening
-Alzheimer's screening
-Child Welfare services
-Eye, Ear and dental Testing
-Preventable diseases screening
-Family Planning
-Registration of participants to the Kenya National Health Insurance
There were several cases of Hypertension, Osteoporosis, Arthritis and other Geriatric ailments which were diagnosed and referred for further consultations and treatments.
The life of a young boy of 7 years was saved when the doctor in attendance referred him to Sagam Hospital for urgent surgery to remove a benign tumor in the intestine.
A case of leprosy was referred to the county hospital. This came as a surprise as we did not know Leprosy still existed. We will follow this case closely with the County Hospital.
Transportation arrangements were made for the referred patients to Sagam Community Hospital.
On behalf of KNIF, and our family, a heartfelt thank you to Sagam Health Outreach team for their professionalism, patience, and endurance. They worked throughout, without a break to ensure each and every person who came to the event was attended to.
During enrollment patients were also registered to M-TIBA by a team from *CarePay who came to support the outreach.
*CarePay, is a mobile platform that allows patients to save money for healthcare (i.e a health pocket). According to the M-TIBA website, “funds stored in M-TIBA can only be used to pay for services and medication at specific healthcare facilities which carry the M-TIBA logo. You can transfer funds from your M-PESA to your M-TIBA. Funds stored in M-TIBA are managed by UAP insurance.”
Thanks to Dr. Khama Rogo, Debora Rogo, Matron Elizabeth, Pastor Sudhe and St. Stephen’s Kisumu Diocese for your support, and to Lions Club, Arlington, VA for their donation of 1000 eyeglasses.
Dedicated to Uncle John Okello (RIP), for his wisdom and support during this Camp and always.
Existing/Continuing Challenges
We continue to face various challenges, for instance, although people were encouraged to enroll for National Hospital Insurance Fund with M-TIBA, many could not afford the 200/- shillings equivalent of $20 required for registration and monthly subscription!
Many people were referred to Sagam Hospital for follow-up but for lack of transport and money, they are not able to go. We need urgent funds and donations to assist our community in need and assisting them to get medicines or treatment for their ailments.
We call upon our readers to donate or partner with us to provide these needy senior citizens and youth with medical care.

Kesia Nyawara International Foundation and the Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center of Northern Virginia, Arlington VA. recently made a donation of 700 eyeglasses to Sagam Community Hospital (SCH) in Siaya, Kenya, which were distributed to patients after they were examined at their newly equipped Eye Center. "We would like to thank Elizabeth Oloo, Jane Staussi and Lillianne Nyawara for their continued support. Such generosity enables us to provide our patients with exceptional care." SCH.
MAY 2015

UPDATE - Kesia Nyawara International Foundation (KNIF) eye screening camp and first activity went exceptionally well! In partnership with Sagam Community Hospital (SCH), located in Gem Location, Nyanza, we held the first eye screening at Kandaria Church, Asembo Location on May 4, where 70 participants were screened, 20 of whom were identified for follow up and surgery at SCH. We prevailed when faced with challenges, twice rescheduling the eye surgeries, but our partners SCH came through for us this past weekend. On June 12, the 20 patients together with others who requested to be screened were transported in the early morning hours to SCH. Screening for the new patients was done on the same day, and surgeries performed on Saturday June 13. Everything went smoothly and it was a resounding success! For that we're eternally grateful to Debora Rogo, SCH General Manager, the staff at SCH, and their partners who performed the eye screening and surgeries. Thanks also to the Pastor at Kandaria Church for making available the space to perform the screening and for arranging the logistics such as announcements, and transportation to and from SCH. We have received numerous words of gratitude from the twenty patients who received the eye surgeries and who can now see after many years of blindness or diminished vision. Quoting Dr. Khama Rogo ‘…Restoring sight to the blind is a delicate process and one of the most valuable gift you can ever give to a fellow human being.’ He could not have said it better! The surgeons deserve praise but so does our fledging Foundation we have braved to put up in memory of our beloved mother. We’re certain that she is watching and smiling up there at us!
Tel: 240.988.7558